A Time for Rational Minds to Prevail
NewsFocus.org, Op-Ed, 011121
Readers of this website know that its content
focuses on the connection between government and the upper tiers
of uber-wealth, dealing primarily with high crimes that threaten
the everyday citizen. We have never held back on pointing out
injustice in this world, regardless of political affiliation.
Unfortunately the recent chaotic events since the 2020 election,
including the January 6 mob insurrection at the US Capitol
building, have brought about new attacks on those who cover
conspiracy theory. The manufactured term fake news
is now levied against any who dare to look outside the lines of
mainstream corporate news. Sadly, there are many who do go too
far, without properly documenting or substantiating their
allegations. Whether or not it was of good intent, it
essentially becomes disinformation which can have adverse
consequences to those who trust that the information was
thoroughly vetted. Depending on the severity of the information
presented, the ramifications can be extreme, including
encouraging others to take justice into their own hands,
oftentimes without a real basis in accurate fact. Well meaning
citizens can be incited and steered to action, but perhaps not
always for the right reasons.
The one thing we know is that
big money rules in this world. It especially rules in politics.
Those of uber-wealth care noting about left or right. Their
ideology is all about financial gain and power. For centuries
these uber-wealthy have profited on both sides of every conflict
to face man. It's time for people to start asking themselves
whether or not this is happenstance or by engineered design.
With this said, we have noticed many events which appear to lead
to and promote division in the US. NewsFocus is already on
record about
unidentified dark factions from out of state becoming
involved in the Minneapolis protests over
police misuse of force. While watching the US Capitol attacks
unfold on television, it
very much appears that similar factions to Minnesota also embedded themselves
within the Trump rally, possibly steering it and exploiting it for their own divisive
purposes. This most certainly does not account for all those who
stormed the Capitol, for there were plenty of red hats and blue
flags inside, but there did appear to be an added volatile
element, igniting the mix.
NewsFocus has said many times,
the powers that be (TPTB) in this world do not give a rat's ass
about left or right politics. The Democrat and Republican
parties are mere tools for them - implements of control used to
divide us. As someone with over 60 years on this earth, it is
easy to look back in hindsight and recognize the manipulation
and control from a two-party system. The select uber-wealthy of this
planet who make up TPTB and give vast financial support to the
two-party system are the real inciters of violence and war.
And no I am not talking about George Soros or the Koch brothers
because the wealth that controls this world is far, far greater
than that. Soros and Koch are but minions to those who have the
real money to control this planet. Again, the uber-rich profit from both sides in
a conflict, thus they have a
vested interest in any chaos happening here.
With all of this said,
NewsFocus has never promoted nor encouraged disunity or
division amongst "we the people." We have always
maintained, your
enemy is not your neighbor (Democrat or Republican). It's the
ultra-wealthy who have stolen the world around you. For the time
being, we have
taken the front news page down in an effort to
encourage all Americans to reconsider the engineered angst that many
are feeling for the opposing political party right now, be it
Republican or Democrat. The point to remember is this, we are
all Americans
first. As such, people need to think outside political lines in
this crisis. It would appear to some that we are being
driven through
Hegelian principles
and steered like lemmings to the cliff's edge. Once again, this plays into
the hands of those who profit immensely from adversity and
conflict, with "We the people" becoming the biggest loser.
For the record: This website
has never sanctioned violence as the means to regain that which
we have lost in this country. Once you resort to violence
against a government possessing the vast ability and immense power to do
overwhelming harm, you risk losing the moral high ground and
becoming labeled as subversive to democracy, or worse yet, you
end up dead or in prison, the exact opposite of what many
activists hope to accomplish. Your activist cause is thus
immediately over. No martyr. No movement.
Given all of this, it would
seem apparent that persistent, articulate,
peaceful protest has the best chance of enduring the long run
and thus provides the best avenue for success.
Above all, the last thing this country
needs is a civil war because we will lose everything in such a
fight. The UN will be brought in to "save us from ourselves" and
we will more than likely be issued an edict to
give up our guns,
"in the interest of public safety," of course. (IMHO)
Mark Twain once said,
"knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss, and I have come to
notice that humanity, in general, seeks happiness more than
anything else and is all too willing to sacrifice knowledge for
that blissful ignorance."
Let us hope that people begin
to see the light. We need rational minds to prevail at this
moment, rather than those of impetuous
extremism who are trying to divide us and instigate another
disastrous US
civil war.
NewFocus would like to remind
all about the warning of our forefathers, who once said... "United we stand, but divided we fall."
Such a simple concept to
understand, yet sadly enough can oftentimes be hard to enact.
This is the time for all of us
here to be American, not partisan.
For the sake of all, let us hope
that "we the
people" will recognize and resolve this orchestrated division and choose to remain united.

Perhaps in order to survive
together, we need to rediscover and focus on the things we all
have in common.
Divided We Fall
Fraud in the USA?
for all Americans to think about...

"We the People" Do Not Want, Nor Need This,

The only people who suffer in a war are the
people. The super-rich who push the wars are protected and they always profit.