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A Special Report On Cover-Ups And Hidden Truths

Piratizing Social Security By Those Too Rich To Ever Need It!
Meria.net, by Meria Heller

Once again Social Security is being touted as an “entitlement” program by those in Congress who never have to worry about Social Security. Why? Because they leave office with a golden parachute paid by the US taxpayer. Quite the retirement plan for THEM, but not for us. Perhaps if they had to worry about their retirement as most  Americans do, they would have a different opinion.

If you recall, when the Social Security Act came about and as you can see from the picture, we were told this would never be used for identification! What a joke. Everyone asks for your social security number when you go to apply for jobs, credit or make a purchase. They told us the same lie when they issued us driver’s licenses.

Okay, back to the pirates who want to steal (and have been) our social security funds. I began working at 14 years old. From the age of 14 on I was mandated (not a choice) to pay into social security each week. A big chunk of a pathetic paycheck. My employer was also mandated (no choice) to pay into social security for me and all his employees. This was to make sure we wouldn’t have a nation living on cat food when people were too old to work.

When the millionaires in Congress say it’s an “entitlement” program it certainly is! We are ENTITLED to collect what we saved up for with our social security payments for 50 years! Listening to all the blowhards spew their elitist hatred of any social programs shows just how hateful, un-christian and ignorant they are. Yet these same hybrids want your vote. We need to vote them ALL out of office and require someone with a working class status to fill the jobs. Only a person who can truly represent the average American (someone making under $50,000 a year today) can be smart enough to figure out what we need to do to get this country back on track. These elitist have no idea of what life is like for the average working stiff (if they have a job) and the necessity of social programs due to their criminality and greed.

By the way, just so you know – when I looked up what I’d need to do to file for social security I found that if you earn more than $1,126 a month you don’t QUALIFY to receive it. So these hybrids are attacking the poorest among us, those earning approximately $250 a week by attacking their entitlement to receive social security. This in “the richest country on Earth”.

If you’re not pissed off, you’re not paying attention……..


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