Listening to the Message of Bernie Sanders

US Presidential Election 2016


Sanders Offers Intriguing Message to Voters
The Only Candidate Who Articulates The Real Problems in America, Op-Ed by Tim Watts - 012416

Updated: 061716

As of this writing, there is only one candidate within the absolute glut of 2016 presidential candidates who has hit the campaign trail with a mission to explicitly detail to the voting populace what this country's number one major problem is, and he's done an admirable job of articulating a message that few dare to speak about openly in US politics.

That man is independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Sanders has resurrected a message that was a hot topic at the turn of the 20th century, and was pretty much the theme of the 1912 election - the fight for control of this country, before the Federal Reserve took over in 1913.

It continued from that time, up to the 1940's, but after WWII, that message was buried under heavily funded PR campaigns designed to lull the public back to sleep regarding the sins of the super-wealthy.

Sanders is one of the few in modern times to revise this message. His efforts to help in the first ever partial audit of the Federal Reserve in 100 years is testament to the conviction behind his words.

The most interesting thing about Sanders at this time is that he is registered as an independent, outside the umbrella of the GOP and DNC. For those that are sick and tired of the two-horse political charade that literally controls our election system, this year you have a candidate to vote for that isn't running under the sanction of an elephant or a donkey.

Okay, that's somewhat disingenuous, because the "independent" Sanders is seeking to keep Hillary Clinton from the Democratic nomination, despite being registered as politically neutral for years now, however, many believe the feisty Vermont senator will make an independent run on his own when the Dems are done kicking him to the curb.

Like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders is one of the few outspoken politicians who are brave enough to openly rail against the Federal Reserve and the uber-rich cartel of families that own it.

His is the one message that the "powers that be" don't want publicly broadcast from sea to shining sea.

There were some early reservations of Sanders being a pro-Israeli wonk, but those have now gone out the window after Sanders' critical accusation of Israeli disproportionate force in the 2014 Gaza war. Sanders was able to make such a charge during the DNC debates, angering Israel, while Hillary Clinton could not.

With that said, it is the "message" Sanders delivers that I want to highlight at this time, because it is a message that you do not hear publicly in politics these days, even though it was common everyday talk at the turn of the 20th century.

Sanders has been doing what other early politicians did before him, such as Teddy Roosevelt, Huey Long, William Howard Taft, Franklin Roosevelt, Louis T. McFadden and Charles Lindbergh Sr., by laying the blame for this country's ills squarely at the feet of the Federal Reserve and the mega-rich families who own it.

There is no one else in the race delivering an extraordinary message such as this. Hands down, no one.

The question is, can Sanders do anything about it?

If he can win office, it will be a tall order in itself, because as history has shown, US presidents are certainly not immune to the evil hand of the infinitely rich. (See Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy, and very possibly also Warren G. Harding and Franklin D Roosevelt as well.)

It is painfully obvious to those without their head up their ass that this country has been royally screwed into the ground since 9/11 by both Republicans and Democrats. Both Bush and Obama furthered a common agenda, making life infinitely better, and far wealthier, for the ultra-rich of this country.

The Republicans and Democrats know that after 16 years of "we the people" being screwed by both political parties, the only way to validate another Bush or Clinton winning the White House is through a split-ticket election.

This isn't to say that a vote for Bernie guarantees another Bush or a Clinton back on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The powers that be know this as well, so maybe this time around, they'll screw us from outside the two major parties, with an independent candidate.

I will say this about the presence of two independent candidates in the race, because I expect both Sanders and Donald Trump to continue on if they are not chosen by either of the two mainstream political parties.. the powers that be are not against having two strong independent candidates in the field, because that also allows for a fractionalized voting populace and a splintered vote.

Within that election dynamic, it is possible for two lesser candidates from the Republicans and Democrats to win in a fractured political field, like a another Bush or Clinton.

After being blatantly lied to by two different administrations, from both sides of the aisle, Americans don't know what to expect this election season, other than more deceitfulness on a grand scale.

One thing is certain, disgruntled Americans are tired of being screwed over and over again under a corrupted two-party system.

With the advent of HAVA, the Help America Vote Act, the powers that be can now control our elections electronically, and they have done so since its inception, but there is always the chance that Americans might make it much more obvious with a massive outpouring for a candidate outside the political arena of the RNC and DNC.

In all reality, overwhelming the machine is hard to do in the binary world of 1's and 0's, however, as I previously mentioned, it does become more obvious when "the fix" is in.

To this reporter, Senator Sanders does have some battle scars with the opulent powers that be, but again, the question is, how far will he be allowed to take the fight, if they allow him into office? 

Undeniably, it is the super-rich that continue to prosper handsomely since the 2008 economic collapse.. They are the only class that has continued to become far wealthier in the face of such horrid world economics. Some would say to that fact that the game is purposefully rigged, and most certainly it is, in their favor.

So, with another presidential election season upon us, it seems fairly obvious to this reporter that there is only one person who is talking about the real problems in this country. If you aren't aware of this message, then please take a listen for yourself. (see below)

In order to help facilitate this request, I have taken the liberty of editing a particularly poignant speech from Senator Bernie Sanders into a :13 minute musical production piece for perusal by US voters before the November 2016 election.

Some feel that the Sanders message is all just lip service, to placate the angry masses.

Many ask if Sanders has the balls to put his efforts where his mouth is.

The message is good. It's absolutely spot on, and... it will resonate with the people.

The question is, will he be allowed to win, and then to implement the message, or is this just another ploy from the ultra-wealthy powers that shouldn't be?

If you don't feel the candidate, at least embrace the message.

Because it's truly "on the money." (pun intended)

Please feel free to download this piece and email it to others. It is also suitable for on-air broadcast, with the only prerequisite asked for being proper attribution to Studio B and

DOWNLOAD AUDIO : >  The Bernie Sanders Rant   [MP3 format]

Bernie Sanders for President (campaign website)

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